Sunday, April 29, 2012

Circulating sushi bars!

Kaiten sushi literally means circulating sushi.
Circulating sushi bars are ingrained into the dietary habits of many Japanese
回転寿司 魚磯
回転寿司 魚磯 / norio.nakayama

Sunday, April 22, 2012

intellectual snacks are amazing!

クラシエ たのしいおすしやさん(グレープ味) 28.5g×5個
Kracie(company deals wit snacks and medicine etc) started selling intellectual snacks. They wish all children bring up with a lively imagination. Their snacks let children think how the snacks are made. That excites children so much. Making snacks is good for expanding children's curiosity and imagination. They don't contain any preservatives and sweeteners so it's safe.

Friday, April 20, 2012

kimono life

着物 Kimono
着物 Kimono / themonnie

 Some people wear kimono on special occasions such as on New Year's day, Coming of age Day ceremonies, wedding party.... But most Japanese wear Western style clothing in daily life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


100_1166 / misawakatsutoshi

 Wasabi is a condiment unique to Japan that was created by blessing nature.

What is ONIGIRI??

rice ball / おにぎり

rice ball / おにぎり / Kanko* a kind of Japanese soul food.  At the picnic or cherry blossom viewing  and the sports day, Onigiri is the perfect food to satisfy your appetite.

Im gonna let you know how to make Onigiri.

Wash your hands well. Wet your hands with water and cup a little salt, sesame and one portion of rice in your hand.

Make a little hole in the center of the rice with your finger and fill the hole with one or two of our favorite fillings.

Cover the filling with rice and press firmly with both hands, making sure the filling is securely in the center.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Japanese love taking a bath

奥飛騨の風景2 Scenery of Okuhida

奥飛騨の風景2 Scenery of Okuhida / "KIUKO" 

Japanese really loves taking a bath. For the western people, they are not in the habit of it,but we prefer taking a bath than taking only shower. On TV or many magazines  deal with hot springs in winter. Using bath powder makes you as if you were in hot spring. There are so many kinds of powders.
There are tons of blogs deal with hot spring. It's a little bit boring so we gonna introduce other good point of Ofuro(taking a bath)

Taking a bath first on the day is called Ichiban(the first)buro(taking a bath), it was a special privilege of father but nowadays it has been changed because of changes of current life style.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Traditional Owarai

Have you ever seen Rakugo?



Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding.
The most famous origami model is crane.

Origami Crane, Kamiyacho
Origami Crane, Kamiyacho / naotakem

Japanese luck charms

Omamori are good luck charms sold at temples and shrines.

Japanese Amulets
Japanese Amulets / Danny Choo

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Amazing Japanese culture experience

Horyu-ji / Dick Thomas Johnson

There are many plans for tourist (especially foreigners) to experience old Japanese culture.  It's a little bit expensive but it must be something pleasant to look back on.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cherry blossoms in Japan

In April it is cherry blossoms season and people enjoy viewing  over drinking and eating 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1coin souvenir

Daiso is one of the main retail chain stores of 100-yen shops, which are similar to 99-Cents stores in the US.
A diverse number of products in a wide range of genres are available at amazing prices. Customers always have something new and exciting to discover at Daiso.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Itasha car geek in Japan


The car called Itasha “痛車”   is remodeled and decorated with sticker of the anime and manga to the body.
It's  also called  Moesha (萌車)

Japanese toy "sushi panic"

From childhood, Japanese people like sushi so much.

Here is Tokyo style balance game, named "sushi panic"

The game is... pick up the card and as the card says you have to pick up sushi from  wooden thick dish while maintaining balance well.
If balance collapses, sushi will be scattered with ドカーン.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Are you superstitious?

It's fun to to talk about superstitions with from different countries people. The superstitions are rooted in their culture and their history. Superstitious beliefs are very common in Japan; most have roots in Japanese history.
Let me show our superstitions ..... Believe or not

If you whistle in the night, you will be visited by a snake or ghost

Do you wanna eat?

Wax food samples greatly help non-Japanese visitors who don't understand Japanese language on the menu, when they are about to find what they want to eat. These samples can be seen too in Asian countries such as Korea and China, however they were originally invented in Japan in the 1920s

They are wax foods! You can't eat them!

hi-tech Japanese toilet

In those days,many wise toilet devices have come in to use in Japan. About 80% of households are now equipped with the shower toilet.

maccha heaven

Have you ever tried maccha things? One of my friend from Australia loved maccha frappuccino at the starbucks. When she went back to Australia she was so shocked cos there is no maccha frappuccino in her country.

Maccha was  considered so valuable, it was carried to the shogun's capital in elaborate procession.
Nowadays there are many dessert, all made with maccha. The unique fragrance and flavour of green tea go well with dairy products, so its perfect as an ingredient in Western desserts. Its popularity is gradually spreading around the world.

maccha frappuccino 

packed lunch is a work of art!

Bento(packed lunch) is a wonderful form of portable meal.
Have you ever seen lots of home made bento with charming pictures created using the food items,called Kyara ben.
they've become popular in last few years. They are wonderful means of communications between makers and eaters. They are many how-to books and websites featuring innovative ideas.


vending machines in Japan

There are some things on Japanese streets that you might love and you don't see in your country.


There are 5million around the country.
The vandalism and theft are not so frequent in Japan and the machines are strong and equipped with an alarm system.
The reason why there are so many vending machines in Japan is very simple!
They are very convenient for the space owners and vendor service companies and the customers!
