Monday, April 2, 2012

Are you superstitious?

It's fun to to talk about superstitions with from different countries people. The superstitions are rooted in their culture and their history. Superstitious beliefs are very common in Japan; most have roots in Japanese history.
Let me show our superstitions ..... Believe or not

If you whistle in the night, you will be visited by a snake or ghost

Your flu is cured once you contaminate somebody else

If you hiccup 100 times consecutively, you will die

If you file your nails at night, you will not be able to see your parents when they are dying, or alternatively, you will die early

When you see a funeral car, hide your thumb or a family member will die soon

When you see a spider in the morning, it means good luck. On the other hand, it is bad luck to see a spider at night. 

If you hear thunder hide your belly button, otherwise the god of thunder will eat it. 

If you don’t finish your rice during every meal, you will go blind. 

When you swim during the Obon season (August), the returning dead will take you away with them. 

When you are pregnant, clean the toilet bowl to ensure you have a good looking baby. 

If you keep shed snake-skin in your wallet, you will be rich

        So there you have it, hope this helps you turn your luck around if you need it.

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