Thursday, April 12, 2012

Japanese love taking a bath

奥飛騨の風景2 Scenery of Okuhida

奥飛騨の風景2 Scenery of Okuhida / "KIUKO" 

Japanese really loves taking a bath. For the western people, they are not in the habit of it,but we prefer taking a bath than taking only shower. On TV or many magazines  deal with hot springs in winter. Using bath powder makes you as if you were in hot spring. There are so many kinds of powders.
There are tons of blogs deal with hot spring. It's a little bit boring so we gonna introduce other good point of Ofuro(taking a bath)

Taking a bath first on the day is called Ichiban(the first)buro(taking a bath), it was a special privilege of father but nowadays it has been changed because of changes of current life style.

Drinking sake
Drinking sake in the bathe is awesome.( I don't know cos I don't drink haha) Especially at the open air bath called rotenburo, you can enjoy colored leaves or sometimes snow over drinking.  At some hot springs you are not allowed to drink so you have to ask if you can drink. But I don't recommend this cos it sometimes causes heart attack.

Watching TV
TWINBIRD 防水DVDプレーヤー ホワイト VD-J712W
Japanese loves taking a bath long hours, sometimes over 1hour. Some people listen to the music or reading, nowadays young people do something with iPhone.

This is indispensable for long hours bath time!
There are many kinds of bath powder of hot springs. You can recover from the fatigue of your daily life.

Bathwater is used.....
ナカサ バスポンプ(給水ホース+自動停止機能付)NBP-10HA
Taking a bath everyday gets water bill high, so we do the laundry using the bath water next morning.

I wanna let you know how to take a bath when you are invited your Japanese friends' house.

Before taking a shower to wash your body. It keeps bath water clean and your friend and her(or his)family enjoy clean bath. And the next day the water can be used for laundry.

Going to onsen(hot spring) or sentou(public bathhouse)

Here you are not allowed to have a bathing suit.
Bring a small towel to wash your body but you can't use a towel in the bathtub. It's a tacit rule.

After washing your body you can take a bath. At the hot springs or public bathhouse, the temperature is high(normally over 40℃) so be careful not to have a heart attack....seriously...

If you are in the open air hot springs enjoy having luxurious bath time.

When you get out of the bath, you shouldn't wash your body hardly!!!!
Because water of hot springs contains ingredients which have good effect to your body. (stiff neck, fatigue, beautiful skin!  It depends on the hot springs) 

黒川・湯布院温泉032 / hiroooooki

Visit Japan and enjoy hot springs!
(2012/4/12 20:59時点)

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