Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Itasha car geek in Japan


The car called Itasha “痛車”   is remodeled and decorated with sticker of the anime and manga to the body.
It's  also called  Moesha (萌車)

Itasha of "けいおん!" A popular Japanese anime

 Skyline GT-R of the 1960s ~70s. "GTR of Haruhi Suzumiya"

"Tsuruya-san" Sub character  of "The Melancholy of Haruhi  Suzumiya" , and their spin-off character "Churuya-san" was painted on Honda Fit.

 "Rozen Maiden" doll was painted.   link:Gigazine

This is  “痛車”event. Many 痛車's owner and their fans participated.

These “痛車” was decorated the character of the anime,"Magika  "Madoka" "daughter squid's invasion" "A certain scientific railgun" Their 痛車 is popular among 痛車 fans. . There is  a plug-in EVcar 痛車.  

Why do not? Japanese people will have quite stylish.   link:http://getnews.jp/archives/145302

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